The Psychology of Dieting Series: Part I
What is Binge Eating?
Binge eating is classified as an uncontrollable urge to overeat, which leaves you feeling uncomfortably full and even unwell. Binge eating disorder is where the habit manifests as a regular, psychological issue relating to food. Anyone who has experienced a binge eating episode can be considered as having suffered from disordered eating, though they may not have sought diagnosis. Up to 13% of the general population regularly engage in binge eating behaviours, eating a large amount of food in a short timeframe despite not feeling hungry.
Binge eating disorder is the most overlooked of eating disorders. Those with BED may become overweight due to their illness, thus not fulfilling the incorrect criteria of an underweight appearance that many associate with eating disorders. As with any disorder, the severity of each case can differ. Those with BED may exhibit a ‘normal’ weight, despite the fact they are experiencing continuous cycles of extreme restricted eating interspersed with binge eating episodes. They may also be underweight, due to the extreme bouts of restrictive dieting.