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Our self-screening kits & one-of-a-kind reports represent a revolutionary shift in personal wellbeing, empowering you to pull back the curtain and get a behind-the-scenes view of your health. We help you take control, get informed, and care for your body like never before.

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Things to nurture this year: Yourself
Best-in-class health screening

Uncover hidden triggers across a range of everyday symptoms. Our meticulously curated test panels come with entirely bespoke results reports. You can expect unmatched clarity and insight on our favourite topic: you.

Get to know yourself better than ever before

While traditional healthcare is irreplaceable, it doesn't render you powerless; you can still play an active, informed role in understanding your body and helping yourself to thrive.

By tuning into and anticipating your body's needs, you're not just meeting demands; you're taking charge and paving the way for a life where wellness and empowerment go hand in hand.

V I E W   O U R   T E S T S  

DECODE your body's response to over 200 ingredients

What you'll discover

  • Your unique food sensitivity profile to over 200 ingredients
  • Your high, borderline and normal reactions based on best-in-class testing methodology
  • Our nutrition panel's notes on your results + likely contributing factors based on your pre-screen answers
  • Your personalised gut reset protocol (no supplements required)
  • Your tailored supplement recommendations for deep repair of the delicate gut lining
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Join our next lab analysis intake.

The Science

L E A R N   M O R E  

While traditional healthcare is irreplaceable, it doesn't render you powerless; you can still play an active, informed role in understanding your body and helping yourself to thrive.

By tuning into and anticipating your body's needs, you're not just meeting demands; you're taking charge and paving the way for a life where wellness and empowerment go hand in hand.

I'd been experiencing really extreme bloating for ages and assumed it would settle, but when it didn't I wondered if it was something I was eating. The RR team worked out my digestive system was likely damaged from taking a couple of courses of antibiotics. I followed the steps in my report and everything is settling down - thank you!

Sarah Johnson

17 High Reactivity Results

I wasn't too surprised to see a lot of the markers that flagged up (gluten, rye, coffee to name a few) as my stomach tells me it's unhappy when I eat certain foods. It's actually reassuring to see an official marker from the test though. Now I can actually do something about it

Samuel Rivera

1 High Reactivity Marker, 12 Borderline Reactivity Markers

Enlightening is an understatement. I learnt a lot from this process and my body seriously thanks me for it

Imogen Jean

26 High Reactivity Markers

James Davidson

19 High Reactivity Results

Millie-Rachael Robinson

6 High Reactivity Results

Food Sensitivity Testing: Uncovered

Why do food sensitivities occur?

Food sensitivities occur due to various factors and underlying mechanisms in the body. Some common reasons why food sensitivities occur include:


Immune System Response: The immune system may recognise specific proteins or molecules in food as foreign invaders or threats, triggering an immune reaction and the production of IgG antibodies.


Leaky Gut Syndrome: When the gut lining becomes compromised, undigested food particles and toxins may leak into the bloodstream, leading to immune responses and sensitivities to those foods.


Gut Microbiome Imbalance: An imbalance in the gut microbiome, the complex ecosystem of microorganisms in the digestive tract, can influence how the body processes and reacts to certain foods. Disruptions in the gut microbiome can contribute to food sensitivities.


Repeated Exposure: Frequent and repetitive consumption of certain foods may increase the likelihood of developing sensitivities over time.


It's important to note that food sensitivities are highly individualised, and what triggers a sensitivity in one person may not affect another. Identifying the specific foods causing sensitivities and understanding the underlying mechanisms can help individuals make informed dietary choices and manage their health more effectively.

What symptoms might be linked to a food sensitivity?

Food sensitivities can manifest in a wide range of symptoms, and they can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms that might be linked to a food sensitivity include: Digestive Issues, Skin Problems, Respiratory Symptoms, Headaches, Fatigue, Joint Pain, Mood Changes, Brain Fog, Sleep Disturbances, Weight Changes, Gastrointestinal Upset, plus many more. It's important to note that food sensitivities can be delayed, and symptoms might not appear immediately after eating the trigger foods. Additionally, the severity of symptoms can vary, and some individuals may have mild reactions, while others may experience more pronounced or chronic symptoms.

What are the different methods for food sensitivity testing?

There are several methods for food sensitivity testing, some common methods include:


Blood-Based IgG Testing: This method measures IgG antibodies in the blood that are produced in response to specific foods. It is one of the most widely used methods for food sensitivity testing and can provide insights into immune reactions to various foods. At ReasonRemedy we utilise the gold standard blood-based IgG testing method. The ELISA method is used to examine the tests, and for the highest level of accuracy your results are tested twice!


Elimination Diet: This method involves systematically removing certain foods from the diet and then reintroducing them one at a time to identify any adverse reactions or sensitivities. It often takes a considerable amount of time to achieve results with an elimination diet alone. This method is also limited by the placebo effect.


Hair Analysis: Hair tests analyse the mineral content in the hair and are not specific for food sensitivities. They are primarily used to assess mineral deficiencies or imbalances. Additionally, hair tests cannot assess immune reactions, which are critical for identifying food intolerances and sensitivities.

What is gut barrier dysfunction?

Gut barrier dysfunction, also known as increased intestinal permeability or "leaky gut", refers to a condition where the lining of the gastrointestinal tract becomes compromised, allowing substances that should not normally pass through to cross into the bloodstream. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract's lining acts as a protective barrier, selectively allowing nutrients to be absorbed while keeping harmful substances, toxins, and undigested food particles from entering the bloodstream. When these foreign substances enter the bloodstream, the immune system may recognize them as potential threats, triggering an immune response and inflammation. Over time, chronic inflammation and immune activation may contribute to various health issues and symptoms, including food sensitivities, autoimmune conditions, allergies, and digestive problems.